I would like to ask how we can keep the 5 precepts correctly. What is the wholesome strategy and method for keeping the 5 precepts solidly at all times?
I would like to ask how we can keep the 5 precepts correctly. I would also like to have your advice regarding the wholesome strategy and method for keeping the 5 precepts solidly at all times.
Most people think that white lying houldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?
Most people think that lying to ease other’s feeling, as when a doctor conceal the truth from a severely ill patient in order to ease their mind, shouldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?
If I am determined to keep the 5 precepts fully as Luang Phaw explained about the sweetened tamarind, what will I receive as a result?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Similarities in the Differences
Achieving inner happiness is necessary in order to create peace for yourself as an individual, for your country and for the world.
คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษวันละคำ ตอนที่ 10 Where do you come from?
เมื่อจะถามฝรั่งว่า "คุณมาจากไหน" ถ้าให้ทุกคนลองสร้างประโยคเอง คำตอบคงออกมาในแนวนี้คือ Where are you come from?
Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society?
In Thai society these days, it has changed a lot because everyone has to work for survival until you can hardly find a smile on anybody’s face. Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society Sir?
If you truly want peace to happen
May I ask you this one thing? Do you really want World Peace? Only if you will believe It will come true
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our parents (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eleven :- Cherishing our parents
Mother's Day 2014
Mother's Day 2014. History and Activities on Mother's Day 2014.